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Beginners Guide to Minimalism: Lifestyle

We are on our last post of this series and I hope that you have enjoyed it and that it has helped you to better understand the minimalist lifestyle!

As you now know, minimalism has many forms. But what defines a minimalist is someone who has devoted to keeping their belongings and finances simple.

With this basic foundation laid down, there are numerous possibilities when it comes to emplimenting minimalism as a lifestyle. So today I wanted to share with you a few minimalists that I greatly admire. They all have their unique qualities and I hope will give you some inspiration for your own journey into this lifestyle! I have decided to give a brief bio of these guys but just remember that I am not them, so be sure to check into the links to get their full story :)

• Mat & Danielle- Youtubers of Exploring Alternitives. They are a lovely minimalist couple who are exploring long-term traveling via a camper van. They have great tips on: budget tips, van life, downsizing, and making an income while traveling.

• Anthony Ongaro- Writter of Break the Twitch blog. He is a minimalist who shares about how he defeated consumerism. He has great tips on: intentional living, changing your mindset, and productivity.

• Rachel- Blogger (at The Minimalist Mom) and author, Rachel shares helpful tips for both new and experienced moms out there that have decided to live a minimalist lifestyle. She also has great tips for capsule wardrobes and finances!

• Francine Jay- writter of Miss Minimalist. Francine is also a wife, mother, and author. She has really cool posts called "Real Life Minimalist" where she shares a profile of one of her readers. She has very good tips on downsizing and moving!

• Masha & Michael- vegan minimalist that blog amazing recipes on The Minimalist Vegan. They also have nice tips on adjusting to the minimalist lifestyle, healthhy living, and productivity!

I hope these wonderful minimalist inspire you to explore new ways to implement minimalism in your life! :) I hope to hear from you soon!

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